07:00 - 08:30
Breakfast Meetings for Professionals
You can join breakfast tables according to your profession; program producers, news editor, technical experts, international relations or finance and management group at the breakfast venue. This is meant to have acquaintances easily with someone of your profession from different part of the world.
07:30 - 08:30
CEO (Presidents and DGs) Breakfast Meeting
CEO (Presidents and DGs) Breakfast Meeting – Palace Hotel, Dining Room

09:00 - 10:00
Opening and Welcome
• Georgica Severin, the Acting Director General for Radio Romania
• Teodor Melescanu, Minister of Foreign Affairs
• Keynote address Jean – Paul Philippot, President, EBU
• MC: Cătălin Ştefănescu, Producer, Romanian Television

10:00 - 11:00
Session 1 - Redefining the Public Media value in 21st Century
Even we are different as public broadcasters, worldwide we may assume that we share common values. The core value of ours is the independence as public broadcasters but there should be some values added by the zeitgeist. What are the values of the XXI century? Who is the arbiter of value in the new surroundings? The starting point of defining the value to be achieved is determining the arbiter of that value. The issue for public managers is that the arbiter of value is not just the client, but a collective, likely made up of: service users, tax payers, service providers, elected officials, Treasury and media. This process, where the collective effectively deliberates over a set of choices, includes engaging with citizens to establish what they value most and what adds value to the public sphere. In other words, who are our stakeholders?
• Keynote address Ryoichi Ueda, President, NHK, Japan
• Moderator: Jean Philip De Tender, Media Director, EBU
• Pascal Albrechtskirchinger, ZDF German Television, Head of the EU Public Affairs Office, Brussels
• Jean – Paul Philippot, President, EBU
• Dr Javad Mottaghi, Secretary General, ABU
• Noemie Dansereau-Lavoie, Consultant Media/Culture Development Strategy
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:30
Session 2 - Financial system changes and the defence of PSM
Following the discussion of the Session 1, the theme focuses on the finance of the PSM. The system of financing public broadcasters is important in terms of keeping them independent. May it be license fee or government appropriation, there are many different systems being practiced. Modifications of license fee system are introduced in some countries to catch up the time of multimedia while new initiatives by public broadcasters are being taken when asking for funding from government. How can we keep our financing system relevant to the rapidly changing media landscape? What would be the most relevant way of funding PSM with the different size of countries (population) and with the different background?
• Moderator: Steve Ahern, International Media & Broadcasting Academy (IMBA), Australia
• Jung Chuloong, Chief of KBS Innovation Strategy Department, Korea
• Hubert T. Lacroix, President and CEO, CBC / Radio Canada, Canada
• Prof. Dr. Albrecht Hesse, Legal Director, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Germany
• Eric J. Wolf, Vice President, Technology Strategy & Planning, PBS, USA
12:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:30
Session 3 - Populism and PSM at the time of fake news
What would have been the result of the US Presidential election last year without social media? Would it have resulted in a different outcome? Did or will the Trump phenomenon has any impact on other countries especially in Europe where they have a few important elections this year? Facebook set up a fact-checking team with a number of broadcasters, news agencies and journalists to look into doubtful items on its own platform, first in the US and then in the UK and France. Social media has given everyone a means to publish information and opinion without due procedure: such items may contain falsehood; ill will or cyber radicalism described sometimes as populism. What role can or should public service media play in a time of mass participation on different social media platforms? The session will examine several cases where public broadcasters are involved in checking information spread on the Internet to defend facts against fake, objective journalism against populism.
• Moderator: David Jordan, Director, Editorial Policy and Standards, BBC
• Eoghan Sweeney, Global Training Director, First Draft News, Germany
• Dr. Alexandra Borchardt, Director of Strategic Development, Reuters Institute
• Pancíř Tomáš, Director of CRo Regina DAB Prague, CR, Czech Republic
• Katrin Pötzsch, Editor, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Germany
• Toshiyuki Sato, Special Controller, NHK International, Japan
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break
Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00
Session 4 - Radio in the new media age
Radio is a powerful means of communication which can compete with any visual media product by the power of the word. It is a promoter of culture, being the most adaptable environment for all type of platform and able to be received in geographical areas. Radio can be a reliable friend who takes away the loneliness and who advises, informs and entertains regardless the times. It can also create a sense of trust in situation of calamity and natural disasters.
• Moderator: Graham Dixon, Head of Radio, EBU
• Graham Ellis, Deputy Director,BBC, President EBU Radio Committee, UK
• Olya Booyar, Head of Radio, ABU
• Alexander Velev, Director General, Bulgarian National Radio, Bulgaria
• Mathieu Gallet, President Director General, Radio France, France

17:00 - 17:30
Proud to serve communities - part one
Session for presenting successful and inspiring cases and also for sharing experiences - members who have interesting trials and meaningful outcomes are requested to introduce their cases. Please do contact the Secretariat at the Radio Romania. You are given five to ten minutes of presentation.
• Jan Lukas Strozyk, Journalist, NDR, Germany
• Radka Betcheva, Head of Members Relations, Eastern Europe,EBU
• Tetsu Imai, Senior Manager, NHK, Japan
19:30 - 23:00
Gala Dinner
Gala Dinner