VIDEO: Jean – Paul Philippot, President, EBU – we are different as public broadcasters but we share common values!

Even we are different as public broadcasters, worldwide we may assume that we share common values.
The core value of ours is the independence as public broadcasters but there should be some values added by the zeitgeist.

What are the values of the XXI century?
Who is the arbiter of value in the new surroundings?

The starting point of defining the value to be achieved is determining the arbiter of that value.
The issue for public managers is that the arbiter of value is not just the client, but a collective, likely made up of: service users, tax payers, service providers, elected officials, Treasury and media.

This process, where the collective effectively deliberates over a set of choices, includes engaging with citizens to establish what they value most and what adds value to the public sphere.
In other words, who are our stakeholders?